Cart Questions
On the checkout page, there are required fields of information. If you do not complete these fields, then you will not be able to proceed to the payment page. The required fields are indicated with * at the beginning of each title. For example *Email if you do forget to complete one of these then the area will be highlighted in red and indicate that it is required information.
Yes you simply add or remove on the quality order using the arrows
You remove the incorrect sized item and add the correct item and correct size
Select the item you want to remove and select the cross ‘×’ to remove an item
Checkout Questions
We use the required information to ensure that we can bill and deliver your order to you correctly
By law we cannot accept a transaction without you acknowledging that you fully understand the transaction that you are entering in.
Once you have purchased a Gift Voucher, and your payment reflects in our bank account, we will email you the gift voucher. On the gift voucher is a code which the buyer must enter at checkout.
On the Checkout page, as the final step in completing this step you will be required to check the box that refers to out Terms and conditions page. There is a link next to this to the page for you to follow. A link to the Terms and conditions page can also be found in the footer of our website on each page
Payment Questions
Our shop accepts South African Rand (ZAR)
South-African customers can make payment by Paygate or Manual EFT.
1. Once you have finished shopping, please select your cart and click on the “Proceed to checkout” button.
2. Select Manaul EFT as the payment method and click on “Place order”.
3. You will be redirected to a page with our banking details.
4. After making payment, please email us the proof of payment to with your order number as reference.
Paygate is a leading Payment Gateway in South Africa. We are a payment service provider for businesses and individuals to accept payments online.
Paygate supports 3D secure payment methods. When you purchase any good or service online through Paygate, we provide an added layer of security to protect against fraud and ensure the credit card holder has authorised the transaction.
A customer will often experience payment failure due to a faulty internet connection, entering incorrect payment details, or because there is not enough money in their account to cover the payment. A rejected payment from a customer’s end is not generally something a merchant can fix.
Please check your spam folder for an email notification. If you have made payment using the EFT option, the money needs to reflect in our bank account before we change the status of your order to processing. Once your order status is changed, you will receive an email notification.