
1Kg Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Pouches

Original price was: R899,00.Current price is: R639,00.

Save: 28.9%

  • Our 100% pure Hydrolyzed Collagen has an
    extremely low mineral content and is free of fat,
    cholesterol, carbohydrates, dietary fibers and GMO.
    The product is in accordance with FDA regulations,
    HACCP, ISO9001:2015 and FSSC22000:2010.
    Classified as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).
    Furthermore, the product is in compliance with
    regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of
    foodstuffs and with regulation (EC) No. 853/2004, laying
    down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin.
    According to regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 and
    regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003



  • Skin Beauty, even skin tone and inner glow
  • Beautiful and Strong Hair and Nails
  • Visibly reduces wrinkles
  • Supports weight loss and reduces cellulite
  • Helps you to age healthy
  • Supports heart and stomach health
  • Detoxifies your liver
  • Relieves joint, ligament and arthritic pain
  • Improves your strength and endurance
  • Helps muscle recovery after exercise
  • Boosts and strengthens the immune system


2x 500g  Pouches for easy storage and sharing

Our Collagen is the fountain of youth!  It will help you to look younger and feel stronger.  Living your best and most beautiful life is as easy as taking your Collagen daily.  You deserve it…….

Collagen is a major building block in your body.  By taking Collagen it will rejuvenate your skin and give it an inner glow.  As a sport nutrition, it will help your body recover from strenuous exercise, it will strengthen connective tissue like tendons to help prevent injuries.  Collagen also helps for joint and bone maintenance.  If you have stiff joints and other aches, Collagen is the answer.  Our Collagen should be seen as the core of your beauty regime.  It also assists with healthy ageing and will make your wrinkles less visible.  It strengthens your gut, heart, liver and bladder.

Pure is Best!  We do not add anything to the Collagen Powder, so you know that you are getting what you are paying for – pure Collagen.

How long will it last:

300g     –           30 servings  (enough for 1 month)

Dosage –           10g per day

How to take it-  In your coffee, smoothie, yoghurt, in water. Even in scrambled eggs, cup-a-soup etc.


Ingredients –     Type 1 and 3 Pure Bovine Hydrolyzed Collagen

>90% Pure Collagen  (no fillers, preservatives or flavourants)

Halaal and Kosher certified.

Certified by WADA and FDA approved.


  • Skin Beauty, even skin tone and inner glow
  • Beautiful and Strong Hair and Nails
  • Visibly reduces wrinkles
  • Supports weight loss and reduces cellulite
  • Helps you to age healthy
  • Supports heart and stomach health
  • Detoxifies your liver
  • Relieves joint, ligament and arthritic pain
  • Improves your strength and endurance
  • Helps muscle recovery after exercise
  • Boosts and strengthens the immune system

Collagen is in a powder form and heals from within.  While you are detoxifying your liver, healing your gut, boosting your immune system, you will also be seeing the outer results – beautiful skin, stronger hair and nails.

Collagen is produced in your body and after the age of 25, it starts to steadily decline.  By taking Collagen, which is a 100% natural product, you stimulate the natural reproduction of Collagen in your body.  Collagen is the substance that keeps our skins elastic, our bones strong and healthy and it removes pain and discomfort from your joints etc.

Collagen should be part of your daily health and beauty regime.  For as little as R5.00 a day you can optimally utilize your health and beauty.

Collagen is completely safe to take during pregnancy, while you are breastfeeding, if you are on other medications etc.

Start your Collagen Journey today, you will never look back …..