100% Pure L-Glutamine Powder 500g
Benefits may include:
- Improvement of gastrointestinal health
- Aids in leaky gut & ulcer repair
- Aids memory, focus, concentration
- Improves IBS, diarrhea and bowel health
- Promotes muscle growth, prevents wasting
- Improves athletic performance and recovery
- Improves metabolism & cellular detoxification
- Curbs sugar and alcohol cravings
- Balances sugar levels
Dosage: 2-5g, 1-2 daily in 1/4 glass of water.
Benefits may include:
- Improvement of gastrointestinal health
- A fantastic after work out supplement for muscle soreness
- Aids memory, focus, concentration
- Improves IBS, diarrhea and bowel health
- Promotes muscle growth, prevents wasting
- Improves athletic performance and recovery
- Improves metabolism & cellular detoxification
- Curbs sugar and alcohol cravings
- Balances sugar levels
Dosage: 2-5g, 1-2 daily in 1/4 glass of water.